Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm so sick of them. The way they slam the doors. The way they talk loudly and wake me up. The way Fucking Bob sleeps here, showers here (leaving me with cold water), and goes to class, leaving the door unlocked. At this point, I don't even want Fucking Bob to pay 1/3 of the rent and gas/elec. I just want them gone. I'm in such a terrible mood right now, and it's all because Jessie and Bob are the most inconsiderate people I've ever had the misfortune of knowing.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More of the same. Except:
J. came back from Thanksgiving break on Sunday. Her toothpaste, shampoo, and soap have yet to reappear in the bathroom. She hasn't showered or brushed her teeth since before Sunday evening, and it's Wednesday today.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bobba the Hutt took 30 minutes in the shower this morning, leaving me with cold water and being late for class.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

All of fucking Bob's clothes, including boxers, are spread out all over the living room, including over the couch and chair. This is because he decided to bring his laundry over from his dorm to the apartment, where we only have one working dryer for our entire building.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Our gas/electric bill for September was $183. Maybe that'll teach her to leave the lights and A/C on all the time. I'm sure as hell not going to loan her the money to pay it. I should charge fucking Bob for it too, cause he's enjoying the benefits of our A/C and our hot water.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

She got a booty call last night at 1:30 am. Fine, whatever. Except the boyfriend decided to take a shower here this morning, leaving me with the coldest water ever.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

  • She leaves the door unlocked pretty much all the time
  • She leaves lights on in rooms that she's not in. Sometimes for multiple hours.
Since this is the beginning of this blog, there will be a long list. Much to my dismay, there will be many more things added as the year goes on...

  • She leaves dishes out--she doesn't even put them near the sink. The dishes will sit there for several days, potentially attracting all kinds of critters (including cockroaches, which, if we get cockroaches in our apartment, I'm going to do something terrible to her, I swear).
  • When she does put the dishes in the sink, she doesn't wash them off, so the food petrifies.
  • When she does the dishes, she leaves the sponge in the sink. She doesn't even squeeze out the excess water. I'm going to give the sponge to my bacteriologist friend for analysis, and maybe he'll discover the new penicillin. Or else the new e. coli.
  • She leaves the shower curtain all scrunched up when she's done showering. She doesn't realize that stretching it out allows it to dry all the way. I will give this to my bacteriologist friend also.
  • She doesn't turn the shower off all the way, so it drips constantly. The people below us have complained about the dripping (it goes through the floor).
  • She left pizza boxes on the floor for 3 weeks.
  • She never takes out the trash, even if she's the one to throw away a shitload of stuff and make it full.
  • She never changes the toilet paper roll. If she uses up the last bit, she won't even get a new roll out.

And the big one:
  • She borrowed nearly $400 from me because she didn't have money for rent. She told me the night before rent was due that she didn't have the money, so I didn't really have any time to have money transferred into my account. This was a week and a half ago, and I haven't been paid back yet. I wish I wasn't so stupid to lend her the money, but on the other hand if I hadn't paid, we would have had our asses kicked by the real estate agency. My parents and everyone are telling me I should evict her.